Re: Unusual validation errors on <link>

On Sun, 2004-10-10 at 06:49, Edmund Rhudy wrote:
> I've been trying to press an XHTML 1.1 strict page, located at 

There is no such language as XHTML 1.1 Strict, your Doctype is
non-standard and thus the validator is trying to parse the XML DTD under
SGML rules (as it doesn't recognise it).

Try a real Doctype:

I also suggest using XHTML 1.0 (or HTML 4.01 if you have no need for XML
features) rather then XHTML 1.1 since you "SHOULD NOT" serve 1.1 as
text/html and "SHOULD" serve it as application/xhtml+xml which causes a
number of browsers which can't handle XHTML to prompt the user to
download it instead of displaying it (e.g. MSIE).

David Dorward       <>   <>

Received on Sunday, 10 October 2004 09:10:14 UTC