[VE][139]New Error message Suggestion

I use your service regularly, but with the new scheme I got confused about the following set of errors as they appeared on my screen:
Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with an SGML parser. 
Line 642, column 44: non SGML character number 146
...es informations données sur ce site n’ont pas un caractère contractuel. Le
(Send feedback on message #139) 
Line 642, column 158: non SGML character number 146
...re ainsi que leur prix, bien que faisant l’objet d’une attention particuli�
(Send feedback on message #139) 
Line 642, column 166: non SGML character number 146
... que leur prix, bien que faisant l’objet d’une attention particulière, son
(Send feedback on message #139) 
Line 642, column 222: non SGML character number 146
...on particulière, sont données sous réserve d’erreurs de saisie ou de vent
(Send feedback on message #139)
The problem is the placment of the indication where the error occurred :
The first error was       the n of n'ont
The second                the first a of faisant
The third                    the b of objet
The fourth                  the r of réserve
The real problem was that I used a Microsoft quote ( slanting quote ) in stead of the standard apostrofe. So I would expect the error given at n'ont, l'objet, d'une and d'erreurs.
Was it my lack of understanding, or a lack of clarity on your side?
Yours truly,
Arie Dirk Schenkeveld

Received on Monday, 24 May 2004 04:13:33 UTC