Re: Help installing the validator--all pages not valid but no errors

* Ed Martin wrote:
>i took out the -R and it doesn't generate that error when i run the 
>command from the command line (it just sits there doing nothing) but 

It waits for stdin input, use

  cat file.html | onsgmls ...

or something similar.

>the validator still doesn't work, it does exactly what it did before, 
>only show the source, give no errors, and say it isn't valid

Then it is likely that it did not read onsgmls' output properly. On
Win32 / Perl 5.8.2 I had to add

  binmode($spout, ':crlf');


  # Rewind temporary filehandles.
  seek $_, 0, 0 for $spout, $sperr;

Not sure whether this will work for you aswell.

Received on Saturday, 31 January 2004 16:35:54 UTC