Re: (Entire) Site validation

I wrote some code to do whole site validation, it's a simple perl script 
called AutoValidator that sends urls to the validator and tracks the 
responses. I run it against my own installed copy of the validator, but 
I've put in some a sleep timer between request so it isn't too harsh if 
used on the W3C's validator...

The idea is to have it run nightly/weekly or whatever, and produce a 
report on all pages of your site.

A sample of the output it produces is here:

And the code can be found here:

It's at v0.2.1, but it's fairly simple in what it does, and has a pretty 
good number of configuration options. (I think so anyway...)

If anyone finds it useful, or has suggestions, please let me know.


Received on Thursday, 22 April 2004 20:38:10 UTC