validator 0_6_0 type.cfg error

I just download and install validator 0_6_0. and after setting up. I got
this error in my sunone webserver log file:

[05/Apr/2004:14:14:18] failure (28783): for host trying to
GET /cgi-bin/check, cgi_scan_headers reports: the CGI program
/WWW/cgi-bin/check did not produce a valid header (name without value:
got line "can't use string ("type.cfg") as a hash ref while "strict
refs" in use at /www/cgi-bin/check line 1217.")

and here is line 1217 in the check script:

  $type = $CFG->{'File Type'}->{$ct} || $ct;

any idea?

Received on Monday, 5 April 2004 16:23:42 UTC