Re: Installing CVS W3C validator: bug?

On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 02:24, Tama Pugsley wrote:

> Is there any documentation on the site that tells me I should be using 
> this branch?

Yes, but it is not as easy to find as it should be.  The documentation
on the site refers to the same version which is running there.  And the
current version is from the time the branching had not been done... the
beta version has more up to date info:

Also, the CVSweb "header" has been changed a couple of days ago to
reflect this:

>  Also I notice that validator-0_6_0-branch requires Net::IP 
> which requires perl version 5.80. Is there a version that still supports 
> 5.6?

The validator itself should support 5.6.  And AFAIK it does not matter
which version of Net::IP you have; grab a version which runs with your
Perl from the "Other Releases" drop-down box at

Received on Thursday, 1 April 2004 01:06:55 UTC