Wish: DOCTYPE for XHTML + unspecified namespaces

A standard HTML browser will ignore unknown tags. 
I.e.: display the content of the unkown element.

To make usee of that standard, I'd like a DOCTYPE for XHTML + unspecified namespaces, where I could validate that 
1) the document is well-formed XML
2) the document would have been valid XHTML if the non-xhtml tags were removed.

Now, if I try to validate a page like http://heima.olivant.fo/~styrheim/tools/geo/nlh.fo.html, the error messages I get, probably imply that the page is well-formed XML. But I get no hint as to whether my 'skeleton' XHTML is valid or not.

I guess I don't need a new DOCTYPE, really. But I coud use a validation that would tell me if the XHTML 'part' of the document is valid.

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2003 05:45:51 UTC