Re: http-equiv="refresh" redirects ignored in markup validator

Greetings Lars,

On Monday, Jul 28, 2003, at 18:43 Asia/Tokyo, Lars Holst wrote:
> Under the root directory, I have an "index.shtml" file that redirects 
> the
> visitor to another directory where the actual index file resides as a 
> php
> file, as follows:
> <meta http-equiv="Refresh" Content="0; 
> URL=" />

Please read <>: <meta 
http-equiv="Refresh"> is not a recommended (i.e, it's ugly) way to do a 
redirect. The Markup validator does supports the recommended HTTP-based 

> If the validator could be made to follow these kinds of redirects it 
> would
> be helpful.

Not sure about this either. If someone tries to validate a file, the 
validator should probably validate this file, not whatever it refreshes 
to after n seconds (I know, the case n=0 is a limit case but better 
forget this practice anyway).

olivier Thereaux - W3C - QA : |

Received on Monday, 28 July 2003 09:23:09 UTC