Re: DOCTYPE options on

Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

> you mean the lack of value="..." attributes in <option>
> elements inside the <select id="doctype" name="doctype">
> element.

Yes.  I tried to verify this locally replacing the original
form by a simple <form action="http://localhost/check">.

But that worked as expected, tests with other browsers worked
too, and finally even tests with Netscape 3.x worked on other
documents.  My first guess (HTML 3.2) was completely wrong.

> I don't think there is any browser that really complies with
> HTML 3.2.

No comment... ;-)  The problem was not the HTML, the browser,
or the POST, it's a weird condition in the validated document
resulting in an error message...

Fatal Error: No DOCTYPE specified!

...not exactly what I expected after manually selecting the
DOCTYPE.  I've now published the "fatal" document as...


...and the corresponding validator URL with fatal error is...


Of course the document is invalid, that's not the question.

I found it in a mail, and because my browser refuses to display
it I tried to validate it.
                          Bye, Frank

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2003 03:20:37 UTC