Re: [x]html head parsing bug in validator

* Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
>First: if I try to use such constructs in the head, such as <link ... /> then 
>the validator thinks I am closing the head element, which seems quite buggy. 

The validator is right, the link element is closed by "/" and the ">" is
interpreted as character data and since character data is disallowed in
<head>, the validator closes the <head> and opens the <body> element,
just like

    <link ...>

>Following on this, I have checked the HTML 4.01 spec and truly it says, that 
><link> ending tags are forbidden. But anyway, the validator should not think 
>that the <head> is closed...

SGML requires it to.

>Second: After my finding that <link> ending tag is forbidden, I decided to try 
>a <br /> in a body of a normal document. It works, and the validator does not 
>think I am closing the body tag (while <br> ending tags are also forbidden).

<br /> is interpreted as <br></br>&gt;, that's indeed legal practise.

Received on Saturday, 26 April 2003 12:23:48 UTC