strange validation

I didn't monitor the request from the validator to my http server, but I'm sure 
you know what it ordinarily looks like. I have no reason to beleive it is any 
different this time. However, this was the validation error for the url

Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because its content type is, which is not currently supported by this 

My HTTP server responded with the following:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content Type: text/html


This was merely during a test of the server's ability to operate correctly 
doing this simple task. I began writing an html file, and had forgotten some of 
the w3c declarations, and though, "Well, I'll go get this validated, see the 
error messages, they are usually pretty good instruction when it comes to 
keeping the html standard." And before you know it I was emailing this strange 
error to you guys.

Hope this was of some use to you,
Donny Viszneki.

Received on Thursday, 10 April 2003 12:17:30 UTC