Re: Beta: Fatal Error: No DOCTYPE specified!

* Terje Bless wrote:
>[using lang and xml:lang]
>I have a bit too much on my mind to cope with keeping this concept
>completely in my mind (it's a murky and cluttered place ;D). I have this
>vague feeling that I didn't want to put "lang" in there because it might be
>confusing and encourage the use of a deprecated attribute. Can you think of
>any rational objections such as that against including it?

I can greatly philosophize on delivering HTML-incompatible markup as
HTML markup to user agents that do not support either markup, but since
you already stepped into that mess, no, I cannot think of any

>  IOW, you've sold me on the change and now I'm asking you to come up
>  with arguments to dissuade me from doing what you want me to do.
>  Ain't I a stinker? :-)

No, but maybe on estrogen.

Received on Friday, 25 October 2002 14:35:18 UTC