Buttons not working?

Dear W3C Validator representative:

I have discovered today that the XHTML 1.0 validator buttons I installed in
my pages do not work as before: I seem to have to type the URI of the page
because I get an empty form. Is this a bug of yours or should I change my

One of the not-working pages is listed at the end of this message.

Thank you very much!

Mikel L. Forcada
Mikel L. Forcada                    E-mail: mlf@dlsi.ua.es
Departament de Llenguatges          Phone: +34-96-590-3400 ext. 3384;
i Sistemes Informatics                also +34-96-590-3772.
UNIVERSITAT D'ALACANT               Fax:   +34-96-590-9326, -3464
E-03071 ALACANT, Spain.
URL: http://www.dlsi.ua.es/~mlf

Received on Monday, 14 October 2002 17:19:49 UTC