Re: My validator patches

Ville Skyttä <> wrote:

>I sent my patches for validator a month ago, to the list; has anyone had
>a look at them? At least as of now, none of them has made it into the

Hi, Ville, sorry it's taking so long. I've finally gotten around to
applying some of your patches. They'll start appearing in CVS in the
"validator-0_6_0" branch[0] soon. A few comments:

* validator-about-html.patch
* validator-charset.patch
* validator-checklink.patch
* validator-detailed-html.patch
* validator-errors-html.patch
* validator-fileupload-html.patch
* validator-index-html.patch
- All applied.

* validator-paths.patch
* validator-protocol.patch
* validator-server.patch
* validator-style.patch
- All deferred until I have better time to integrate them.
  (that might mean tomorrow or next year; my time for validator
   is unpredictable, sorry!)

* validator-redhat.patch
- Some of it will be obsoleted by other changes.
  The rest will have to wait as above. I'll try to ping you again before
  we release 0.6.0 so we can get at least this one sorted.

* validator-warnings.patch
* validator-xhtml.patch
- Both "rejected" in that I think I'm going to fix the real problems
  instead of patching the symptoms. If that drags out I may look at
  applying these as temporary measures, but I'd rather do it the
  right way.

As I've mentioned before, I'm very gratefull for your taking the time to do
this. My own time for hacking on Validator is sporadic at best these days
and so any contribution is a great help. Your patches were very well done
and dealt squarely with issues we need to fix. My thanks and kudos again!

BTW, seems to be down ATM so I had to dig the patches out
of Google's cache. Let me know if I've goofed anywhere or if I got stale
copies of any of the patches.

[0] - Which is so utterly broken that it doesn't even run on _my_
      development system so it sure as hell won't run on your
      production machine. Capiche? :-)

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Received on Sunday, 17 March 2002 18:13:25 UTC