bug or feature request

From a brief discussion on the www-html list:

Specifically: "If you used the W3C Validator for validating your document,
you might consider reporting this as a bug or feature request to the
maintainers of the W3C Validator."

On Tuesday 20 August 2002 15:00, Brian V Bonini wrote:
> Why do xhtml documents validate without the inclusion of
> xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en" yet the specs
> state " The root element of the document must contain an xmlns declaration
> for the XHTML namespace [XMLNS]"?
Because your validator is validating via XML, so it retreives the external
subset of the document type definition which includes a declaration of this
namespace like:
<!ATTLIST html
	xmlns	CDATA	"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" #FIXED
So semantically, if your document is valid XML, it *has* this declaration
implicitely from the DTD.
It is just not physically present.

I myself also find the statement "The root element of the document must
contain an xmlns declaration for the XHTML namespace [XMLNS]"
[http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#strict] a bit misleading.
As far as I followed another thread, this statement shall mean that the root
element must contain the xmlns declaration physically, so the namespace is
known even if the document is not validated / the DTD or external subset not

But your validator does not check wether your document is valid XHTML
conforming to the specification of XHTML, your validator is just checking
wether your document is valid XML conforming to XML and DTD of XHTML, not
the recommendation of XHTML.
This is a slight difference.

If you used the W3C Validator for validating your document, you might
consider reporting this as a bug or feature request to the maintainers of
the W3C Validator.
They have written their parser themselves in Perl and probably can add such
a feature.

But, as far as I know, no validating XML parser will ever check wether the
html element contains the xmlns-declaration in the document.

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2002 16:45:48 UTC