Validator bug


I have found your validator to be quite helpful. But I have run into one
bug. A misformed image tag caused the validator to generate quite a
number of error message, none of which were very helpful. The error I
made was with the following tag:

<IMG SRC="/graphics/ProtectID.gif"  BORDER=0 WIDTH=168 HEIGHT=107
ALIGN=TOP ALT="[Protect your Identity]>

Note the missing quote at the end of the tag. Well, that caused all
sorts of havoc, including error message about a <CENTER> tag not being
closed (but it was). Anyway, with this hint you can probably recreate
the problem. When I finally saw the problem and inserted the quote mark,
the validator was quite happy with the page.

Thanks again for the service.

Richard Berg

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2001 03:29:28 UTC