Re: charset parameter

At 09:08 01/07/26 +0100, Nick Kew wrote:
> >       and "I'm sorry, but that Character Encoding is not in my
> > database. I cannot Validate this document."
>Hmmm ..
>Would it not be fair to say US-ASCII is a subset of every other encoding
>that might be considered as a sefault (certainly iso-8859-1 and utf-8)?
>so that a document that validates to it should always be fine?

That's some of the things we have thought about. Another is to go even
further, change all the non-ASCII bytes into '?', and run it through
the validator. The result would then say 'well, this looks like it
may validate if you make sure it comes with the correct character encoding.
We already have the code to do that for 'charset's set by hand.

Regards,  Martin.

Received on Friday, 27 July 2001 22:57:06 UTC