Support for Priority 2?

Hi --

I'm in the process of making a website conform to Priority 2 
(conformance level AA). It appears to me that the Validator 
service does only Priority 1, since the Bobby service 
( ) flags errors on my pages when Validator
doesn't.  Is this correct? Is there a way to turn on Priority 2 
checking with Validator as there is with Bobby?

I prefer the Validator service because the output is much easier to 
parse and sift through.

I'm not a member of the list, so please respond directly to me or 
remember to CC me.

Thanks! And thanks for providing and supporting this service!

Jim Winkle, UNIX System Administrator, UW-Madison, DoIT. Contact info:


Or use 264-HELP for help with services, 262-9507 to reach me directly.

Received on Wednesday, 10 January 2001 14:30:39 UTC