Re: when using validator is not sensible

And here are a few decent online tools for times when you don't want to,
or can't download all those different browsers...

James Pickering states:
"The obvious answer is to have a representative selection of Browsers
available on the computer used to generate Web pages in order to test
the production. It should be noted that somewhat inconsistent display or
function is usually not a big problem when the viewing audience is small
and the computers being used are fairly homogeneous, but it can become a
formidable problem when the anticipated viewing audience is universal --
a great diversity of computers, operating systems, Browsers and user
proficiency & sophistication can be expected. The average viewer will
normally use their resident default graphical Browser as provided --
Sophisticated viewers often change the configuration of their Browsers
to reflect their color, font selection and text/image size preferences."

Received on Thursday, 16 August 2001 23:40:36 UTC