validator source

List readers - 

Upon trying to run and use the current w3 validator source on my server
(eg redhat 7.1 linux 2.4.3) i receive the following error:

[Mon Jun 25 00:33:55 2001] check: Use of uninitialized value in string
ne at /usr/local/validator/httpd/cgi-bin/check line 356.
sh: /usr/local/bin/nsgmls: cannot execute binary file
[Mon Jun 25 00:33:56 2001] check: open(/tmp/validate.6891) returned: No
such file or directory

and additionally:

     $Id: check,v 1.130 2001/06/23 05:33:10 link Exp $
     $Revision: 1.130 $
     $Date: 2001/06/23 05:33:10 $

nsgmls:I: OpenSP version "1.3.4" 

So, yes its executable.

Any ideas how to correct this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Michael B. Weiner, Linux+, Linux+ SME
Systems Administrator/Partner
The UserFriendly Network (UFN)
Linux Registered User #94900	Have you been counted?

PGP: 30 1D CC BA 30 30 63 35  CD 58 E0 89 A9 17 CC C0  8C 55 F7 72

.........    Escape the 'Gates' of Hell
  `:::'                  .......  ......
   :::  *                  `::.    ::'
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   :::  ::   ::  ::  ::  ::    :::.
   ::: .::. .::  ::.  `::::. .:'  ::.
...:::.....................::'   .::::..

Received on Monday, 25 June 2001 06:05:29 UTC