Re: Managed to run validator on Windows system

* Lutz Latta <> wrote:
| After changing a lot of path/file names in httpd.conf

You should write your own httpd.conf file and then add something like:

<Directory C:/Apache/Validator/htdocs>
  Options MultiViews

<Directory C:/Apache/Validator/httpd/cgi-bin>
  Options ExecCGI

ScriptAlias /check C:/Apache/Validator/httpd/cgi-bin/check

| and the check module I
| ended up basically with two problems:
| 1. The rewrite rule in httpd.conf
|    RewriteRule ^/$ /check [L,PT]
| resulted in a endless loop of redirects between "/" and "/check". Since I
| didn't understand its usefullness, I just disabled it.

I cant explain what this rule is supposed to do. It's the last directive in my
version of the httpd.conf, so why should the rewritten URL be passed through
to the next handler?

| The file name on windows contains (of course) ugly backslashes.

No, not really,

 my $sp        = 'C:/Sp/bin/nsgmls.exe';


| If any questions come up, just contact me directly via email (not the
| mailing list, I'm not on it).


Maybe you want to read

a german article on how to install the validator on your system (even if it's
too late for that :-)

Björn Höhrmann - -
am Badedeich 7 - Telefon: +49(0)4667/981ASK -
25899 Dagebüll - PGP KeyID:      0xA4357E78 - <---

Received on Tuesday, 25 April 2000 02:15:07 UTC