Re: CDATA in elements and attributes

At 04:18 14/04/00 +0200, Terje Bless wrote:
>On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, TimP wrote:
>>The definition of CDATA within SGML depends upon whether it is used 
>>in the context of an element content definition or an attribute definition. 
>Sez who?
for a start but  also Goldfarb 4.33 (p140):

Character Data: Zero or more character that occur in a context in which 
no markup is recognised, other than the delimiters 
that end the charater data. such characters are classified as data characters because rthey are declared to be so.

However the definition of an attribute content model uses the keyword CDATA 
to mean 'is reduced by the parser to CDATA', by the replacement of entity  references with their character data values, I have tried to find a concise 
definition in Goldfarb, but my brain exploded :)

I don't think we are going to get much further with this, but it has 
left me feeling that SGML is broken.


Member of

Received on Friday, 14 April 2000 11:37:04 UTC