validator.tar.gz broken?


I attempted to download the validator tar ball from

It unzipped ok but when I extracted the files from the resulting tar 
the httpd directory was missing (all that it produced was the htdocs 
and associated sub-directories), it also complained about a 
'directory checksum error'.

I downloaded the tar ball again just incase, and will try again 
tomorrow (I understand the tar ball is updated daily), but thought I'd 
try and let someone know there was a problem.

Note: I'm running Solaris 2.7 on a SPARCStation 5, gzip v 1.3, and 
a presumably up-to-date version of tar. By this I mean i've extracted 
other archives with no problems so *think* theres no problems at 
my end.

Barney Gwyther

Received on Wednesday, 12 April 2000 15:32:09 UTC