weblint -x Netscape...

I hope this is not too off-topic.....

I'ld like to make our Weblint output a little friendlier by allowing Netscape
and Microsoft extensions. I run the program from a cgi script like this
(claiming tolerance as an autodidact programmer...)

open(WEBLINT, "perl.exe weblint.pl -x Netscape -x Microsoft $tmpfile

which is fine (it gets rid of SPAN and CLASS &c), except I get a million
comments like this:

c:\system\htmldtds\tmp349091.htm(698): attribute `WIDTH' for <TD> is extended
markup (use "-x <extension>" to allow this).

Erm, is it possible that WIDTH is *not* a Netscape/Microsoft supported
extension, or what am I doing wrong?


Received on Friday, 15 October 1999 09:18:59 UTC