Re: improvements / win9x

At 14:51 11-05-99 , Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
>IIRC Win9x does not support piping STDERR to a file 
>(NT does -> posix support) so the line

Yep! Among other things.

>open( CHECKER, "| $command - >$temp.esis 2>$temp" )
> || die "couldn't open checker: $!";
>open( CHECKER, "| $command - >$temp.esis" )
> || die "couldn't open checker: $!";
>This will offer more compatibility th the main script.

Quite to the contrary... unless I'm missing something, the error output
will no longer go to the correct place (STDERR).

I can understand why you might need to use such a hack for the Redmond
Kid's operating system wannabees, but would think it much better to make it
via a test and hack code, rather than break it for other platforms.

Safe computing,  /Harold
Harold A. Driscoll             
#include <std/disclaimer>

Received on Wednesday, 12 May 1999 19:33:24 UTC