[Bug 27050] Outline not shown for simple valid document


--- Comment #2 from Jukka K. Korpela <jukka.k.korpela@kolumbus.fi> ---
Since it seems, from the history of similar bug reports through the years, that
the validator will not be modified to produce outline for HTML5 documents, this
feature should be disabled from its user interface, i.e. when HTML5 validation
is being performed, there should be no option for requesting an outline. Or at
least there should be statement in the report saying that outline was not

Now everything in the user interface makes the user think that outline works
for HTML5 but the outline is empty. This can be very confusing, and people look
for explanations in their own documents, not in the validator pages (which
probably don’t even mention this restriction).

Perhaps simpler, disable HTML5 mode entirely http://validator.w3.org and point
to http://validator.w3.org/nu/ for HTML5 validation. (If the reason for not
having done this is that the latter is not ready or finalized yet, the
counterargument is that neither is the HTML5 mode of http://validator.w3.org
which is explicitly told to be “experimental”.)

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Received on Wednesday, 15 October 2014 10:31:56 UTC