2002/css-validator/autotest/testsuite/properties/positive/text-decoration-color/css3 001.css,NONE,1.1

Update of /sources/public/2002/css-validator/autotest/testsuite/properties/positive/text-decoration-color/css3
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv16733/text-decoration-color/css3

Added Files:
Log Message:
text-decoration-* properties tests and simplified text-decoration shorthand tests (Aug 2012 WD of css3-text)

--- NEW FILE: 001.css ---
z { text-decoration-color: inherit }
y { text-decoration-color: initial }
w { text-decoration-color: currentColor }
a { text-decoration-color: #f00 }
b { text-decoration-color: transparent }
c { text-decoration-color: rgb(255,0,0) }
d { text-decoration-color: rgb(100%, 0%, 0%) }
e { text-decoration-color: #ff0000 }
f { text-decoration-color: rgb(110%, 120%, 0%) }
f1 { text-decoration-color: rgb(255,-10,0) }
f2 { text-decoration-color: rgb(300,10,0) }
f3 {text-decoration-color: rgba(255,0,0,1) }
f4 {text-decoration-color: rgba(100%,0%,0%,1) }
f5 {text-decoration-color: rgba(0,0,255,0.5) }
f6 {text-decoration-color: rgba(0,0,255,0.0) }
f7 {text-decoration-color: rgba(255,0,0,1.0) }
f8 {text-decoration-color: hsl(0, 100%, 50%) }
f9 {text-decoration-color: hsl(120, 100%, 25%) }
f10 {text-decoration-color: hsl(240, 0%, 10%) }
f11 {text-decoration-color: hsl(360, 50%, 0%) }
f12 {text-decoration-color: hsl(450, 50%, 0%) }
f13 {text-decoration-color: hsla(360, 50%, 50%, 0.5) }
f14 {text-decoration-color: hsla(360, 50%, 50%, 1.0) }
f15 {text-decoration-color: hsla(360, 50%, 50%, 1) }
f16 {text-decoration-color: hsla(360, 50%, 50%, 0.0) }
f17 {text-decoration-color: hsla(360, 50%, 50%, 0) }
f18 {text-decoration-color: hsla(-120, 50%, 50%, 0) }
f19 {text-decoration-color: hsl(-120, 50%, 50%) }
g { text-decoration-color: white }
h { text-decoration-color: aqua }
i { text-decoration-color: black }
j {text-decoration-color: blue }
k { text-decoration-color: fuchsia }
l { text-decoration-color: gray }
m { text-decoration-color: green }
n { text-decoration-color: lime }
o { text-decoration-color: maroon }
p { text-decoration-color: navy }
q { text-decoration-color: olive }
r { text-decoration-color: purple }
s { text-decoration-color: red }
t { text-decoration-color: silver }
u { text-decoration-color: teal }
v { text-decoration-color: yellow }
extcolkw1 { text-decoration-color: aliceblue	}
extcolkw2 { text-decoration-color: antiquewhite	}
extcolkw3 { text-decoration-color: aqua	}
extcolkw4 { text-decoration-color: aquamarine	}
extcolkw5 { text-decoration-color: azure	}
extcolkw6 { text-decoration-color: beige	}
extcolkw7 { text-decoration-color: bisque	}
extcolkw8 { text-decoration-color: black	}
extcolkw9 { text-decoration-color: blanchedalmond	}
extcolkw10 { text-decoration-color: blue	}
extcolkw11 { text-decoration-color: blueviolet	}
extcolkw12 { text-decoration-color: brown	}
extcolkw13 { text-decoration-color: burlywood	}
extcolkw14 { text-decoration-color: cadetblue	}
extcolkw15 { text-decoration-color: chartreuse	}
extcolkw16 { text-decoration-color: chocolate	}
extcolkw17 { text-decoration-color: coral	}
extcolkw18 { text-decoration-color: cornflowerblue	}
extcolkw19 { text-decoration-color: cornsilk	}
extcolkw20 { text-decoration-color: crimson	}
extcolkw21 { text-decoration-color: cyan	}
extcolkw22 { text-decoration-color: darkblue	}
extcolkw23 { text-decoration-color: darkcyan	}
extcolkw24 { text-decoration-color: darkgoldenrod	}
extcolkw25 { text-decoration-color: darkgray	}
extcolkw26 { text-decoration-color: darkgreen	}
extcolkw27 { text-decoration-color: darkgrey	}
extcolkw28 { text-decoration-color: darkkhaki	}
extcolkw29 { text-decoration-color: darkmagenta	}
extcolkw30 { text-decoration-color: darkolivegreen	}
extcolkw31 { text-decoration-color: darkorange	}
extcolkw32 { text-decoration-color: darkorchid	}
extcolkw33 { text-decoration-color: darkred	}
extcolkw34 { text-decoration-color: darksalmon	}
extcolkw35 { text-decoration-color: darkseagreen	}
extcolkw36 { text-decoration-color: darkslateblue	}
extcolkw37 { text-decoration-color: darkslategray	}
extcolkw38 { text-decoration-color: darkslategrey	}
extcolkw39 { text-decoration-color: darkturquoise	}
extcolkw40 { text-decoration-color: darkviolet	}
extcolkw41 { text-decoration-color: deeppink	}
extcolkw42 { text-decoration-color: deepskyblue	}
extcolkw43 { text-decoration-color: dimgray	}
extcolkw44 { text-decoration-color: dimgrey	}
extcolkw45 { text-decoration-color: dodgerblue	}
extcolkw46 { text-decoration-color: firebrick	}
extcolkw47 { text-decoration-color: floralwhite	}
extcolkw48 { text-decoration-color: forestgreen	}
extcolkw49 { text-decoration-color: fuchsia	}
extcolkw50 { text-decoration-color: gainsboro	}
extcolkw51 { text-decoration-color: ghostwhite	}
extcolkw52 { text-decoration-color: gold	}
extcolkw53 { text-decoration-color: goldenrod	}
extcolkw54 { text-decoration-color: gray	}
extcolkw55 { text-decoration-color: grey	}
extcolkw56 { text-decoration-color: green	}
extcolkw57 { text-decoration-color: greenyellow	}
extcolkw58 { text-decoration-color: honeydew	}
extcolkw59 { text-decoration-color: hotpink	}
extcolkw60 { text-decoration-color: indianred	}
extcolkw61 { text-decoration-color: indigo	}
extcolkw62 { text-decoration-color: ivory	}
extcolkw63 { text-decoration-color: khaki	}
extcolkw64 { text-decoration-color: lavender	}
extcolkw65 { text-decoration-color: lavenderblush	}
extcolkw66 { text-decoration-color: lawngreen	}
extcolkw67 { text-decoration-color: lemonchiffon	}
extcolkw68 { text-decoration-color: lightblue	}
extcolkw69 { text-decoration-color: lightcoral	}
extcolkw70 { text-decoration-color: lightcyan	}
extcolkw71 { text-decoration-color: lightgoldenrodyellow	}
extcolkw72 { text-decoration-color: lightgray	}
extcolkw73 { text-decoration-color: lightgreen	}
extcolkw74 { text-decoration-color: lightgrey}
extcolkw75 { text-decoration-color: lightpink	}
extcolkw76 { text-decoration-color: lightsalmon	}
extcolkw77 { text-decoration-color: lightseagreen	}
extcolkw78 { text-decoration-color: lightskyblue	}
extcolkw79 { text-decoration-color: lightslategray	}
extcolkw80 { text-decoration-color: lightslategrey	}
extcolkw81 { text-decoration-color: lightsteelblue	}
extcolkw82 { text-decoration-color: lightyellow	}
extcolkw83 { text-decoration-color: lime	}
extcolkw84 { text-decoration-color: limegreen	}
extcolkw85 { text-decoration-color: linen	}
extcolkw86 { text-decoration-color: magenta	}
extcolkw87 { text-decoration-color: maroon	}
extcolkw88 { text-decoration-color: mediumaquamarine	}
extcolkw89 { text-decoration-color: mediumblue	}
extcolkw90 { text-decoration-color: mediumorchid	}
extcolkw91 { text-decoration-color: mediumpurple	}
extcolkw92 { text-decoration-color: mediumseagreen	}
extcolkw93 { text-decoration-color: mediumslateblue	}
extcolkw94 { text-decoration-color: mediumspringgreen	}
extcolkw95 { text-decoration-color: mediumturquoise	}
extcolkw96 { text-decoration-color: mediumvioletred	}
extcolkw97 { text-decoration-color: midnightblue	}
extcolkw98 { text-decoration-color: mintcream	}
extcolkw99 { text-decoration-color: mistyrose	}
extcolkw100 { text-decoration-color: moccasin	}
extcolkw101 { text-decoration-color: navajowhite	}
extcolkw102 { text-decoration-color: navy	}
extcolkw103 { text-decoration-color: oldlace	}
extcolkw104 { text-decoration-color: olive	}
extcolkw105 { text-decoration-color: olivedrab	}
extcolkw106 { text-decoration-color: orange	}
extcolkw107 { text-decoration-color: orangered	}
extcolkw108 { text-decoration-color: orchid	}
extcolkw109 { text-decoration-color: palegoldenrod	}
extcolkw110 { text-decoration-color: palegreen	}
extcolkw111 { text-decoration-color: paleturquoise	}
extcolkw112 { text-decoration-color: palevioletred	}
extcolkw113 { text-decoration-color: papayawhip	}
extcolkw114 { text-decoration-color: peachpuff	}
extcolkw115 { text-decoration-color: peru	}
extcolkw116 { text-decoration-color: pink	}
extcolkw117 { text-decoration-color: plum	}
extcolkw118 { text-decoration-color: powderblue	}
extcolkw119 { text-decoration-color: purple	}
extcolkw120 { text-decoration-color: red	}
extcolkw121 { text-decoration-color: rosybrown	}
extcolkw122 { text-decoration-color: royalblue	}
extcolkw123 { text-decoration-color: saddlebrown	}
extcolkw124 { text-decoration-color: salmon	}
extcolkw125 { text-decoration-color: sandybrown	}
extcolkw126 { text-decoration-color: seagreen	}
extcolkw127 { text-decoration-color: seashell	}
extcolkw128 { text-decoration-color: sienna	}
extcolkw129 { text-decoration-color: silver	}
extcolkw130 { text-decoration-color: skyblue	}
extcolkw131 { text-decoration-color: slateblue	}
extcolkw132 { text-decoration-color: slategray	}
extcolkw133 { text-decoration-color: slategrey	}
extcolkw134 { text-decoration-color: snow	}
extcolkw135 { text-decoration-color: springgreen	}
extcolkw136 { text-decoration-color: steelblue	}
extcolkw137 { text-decoration-color: tan	}
extcolkw138 { text-decoration-color: teal	}
extcolkw139 { text-decoration-color: thistle	}
extcolkw140 { text-decoration-color: tomato	}
extcolkw141 { text-decoration-color: turquoise	}
extcolkw142 { text-decoration-color: violet	}
extcolkw143 { text-decoration-color: wheat	}
extcolkw144 { text-decoration-color: white	}
extcolkw145 { text-decoration-color: whitesmoke	}
extcolkw146 { text-decoration-color: yellow	}
extcolkw147 { text-decoration-color: yellowgreen}
deprecatedsyscol1 { text-decoration-color: ActiveBorder }
deprecatedsyscol2 { text-decoration-color: ActiveCaption }
deprecatedsyscol3 { text-decoration-color: AppWorkspace }
deprecatedsyscol4 { text-decoration-color: Background }
deprecatedsyscol5 { text-decoration-color: ButtonFace }
deprecatedsyscol6 { text-decoration-color: ButtonHighlight }
deprecatedsyscol7 { text-decoration-color: ButtonShadow }
deprecatedsyscol8 { text-decoration-color: ButtonText }
deprecatedsyscol9 { text-decoration-color: CaptionText }
deprecatedsyscol10 { text-decoration-color: GrayText }
deprecatedsyscol11 { text-decoration-color: Highlight }
deprecatedsyscol12 { text-decoration-color: HighlightText }
deprecatedsyscol13 { text-decoration-color: InactiveBorder }
deprecatedsyscol14 { text-decoration-color: InactiveCaption }
deprecatedsyscol15 { text-decoration-color: InactiveCaptionText }
deprecatedsyscol16 { text-decoration-color: InfoBackground }
deprecatedsyscol17 { text-decoration-color: InfoText }
deprecatedsyscol18 { text-decoration-color: Menu }
deprecatedsyscol19 { text-decoration-color: MenuText }
deprecatedsyscol20 { text-decoration-color: Scrollbar }
deprecatedsyscol21 { text-decoration-color: ThreeDDarkShadow }
deprecatedsyscol22 { text-decoration-color: ThreeDFace }
deprecatedsyscol23 { text-decoration-color: ThreeDHighlight }
deprecatedsyscol24 { text-decoration-color: ThreeDLightShadow }
deprecatedsyscol25 { text-decoration-color: ThreeDShadow }
deprecatedsyscol26 { text-decoration-color: Window }
deprecatedsyscol27 { text-decoration-color: WindowFrame }
deprecatedsyscol28 { text-decoration-color: WindowText }

Received on Friday, 31 August 2012 13:58:40 UTC