validator/share/templates/en_US ucn_output.tmpl,1.14,1.15

Update of /sources/public/validator/share/templates/en_US
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv13631

Modified Files:
Log Message:
updating ucn output

Index: ucn_output.tmpl
RCS file: /sources/public/validator/share/templates/en_US/ucn_output.tmpl,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -d -r1.14 -r1.15
--- ucn_output.tmpl	9 Sep 2008 12:55:33 -0000	1.14
+++ ucn_output.tmpl	7 Sep 2009 13:51:07 -0000	1.15
@@ -7,125 +7,145 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <observationresponse xmlns=""
-  xmlns:xsi=""
-  xsi:schemaLocation="">
-    <uri><TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></uri>
-    <checkedby><TMPL_VAR NAME="cfg_home_page" ESCAPE="HTML"></checkedby>
-    <passed><TMPL_IF NAME="VALID">true<TMPL_ELSE>false</TMPL_IF></passed>
-    <result>
-      <errors>
-	<errorcount><TMPL_VAR NAME="valid_errors_num"></errorcount>
-	<errorlist>
-	  <uri><TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></uri>
-	  <TMPL_LOOP NAME="file_errors"><TMPL_IF NAME="err_type_err">
-	    <error>
-	      <line><TMPL_VAR NAME="line"></line>
-	      <column><TMPL_VAR NAME="char" ESCAPE="HTML"></column>
-	      <message><TMPL_VAR NAME="msg" ESCAPE="HTML"></message>
-	 	  <context><TMPL_VAR NAME="src"></context>
-    <longmessage>
-		<p><a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="num">">Details...</a></p>
-	</longmessage>
-	    </error>
-	</errorlist>
-      </errors>
+                     xmlns:xsi=""
+                     xsi:schemaLocation="">
+  <uri><TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></uri>
+  <checkedby><TMPL_VAR NAME="cfg_home_page" ESCAPE="HTML"></checkedby>
+  <passed><TMPL_IF NAME="VALID">true<TMPL_ELSE>false</TMPL_IF></passed>
+  <result>
+    <errors>
+      <errorcount><TMPL_VAR NAME="valid_errors_num"></errorcount>
+      <errorlist>
+        <uri><TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></uri>
+        <TMPL_LOOP NAME="file_errors"><TMPL_IF NAME="err_type_err">
+          <error>
+            <line><TMPL_VAR NAME="line"></line>
+            <column><TMPL_VAR NAME="char" ESCAPE="HTML"></column>
+            <message><TMPL_VAR NAME="msg" ESCAPE="HTML"></message>
+            <context><TMPL_VAR NAME="src"></context>
+          </error>
+        </TMPL_IF></TMPL_LOOP>
+      </errorlist>
+    </errors>
       <warningcount><TMPL_VAR NAME="valid_warnings_num"></warningcount>
-	<uri><TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></uri>
+        <uri><TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></uri>
         <TMPL_IF NAME="have_warnings"><TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="ucn_warnings.tmpl"></TMPL_IF>
-	<TMPL_LOOP NAME="file_errors"><TMPL_IF NAME="err_type_warn">
-	  <warning>
-	    <line><TMPL_VAR NAME="line"></line>
-	    <column><TMPL_VAR NAME="char" ESCAPE="HTML"></column>
-	    <message><TMPL_VAR NAME="msg"></message>
-    	<context><TMPL_VAR NAME="src"></context>
-	    <longmessage>
-			<p><a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="num">">Details...</a></p>
-	    </longmessage>
-	  </warning>
+        <TMPL_LOOP NAME="file_errors"><TMPL_IF NAME="err_type_warn">
+          <warning>
+            <line><TMPL_VAR NAME="line"></line>
+            <column><TMPL_VAR NAME="char" ESCAPE="HTML"></column>
+            <message><TMPL_VAR NAME="msg" ESCAPE="HTML"></message>
+            <context><TMPL_VAR NAME="src"></context>
+          </warning>
+        </TMPL_IF></TMPL_LOOP>
-    <informations>
-      <infocount>1</infocount>
-      <infolist>
-	<uri><TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></uri>
-	<info>
-	  <message>This Page Is Valid <TMPL_VAR NAME="file_version" ESCAPE="HTML">!</message>
-	  <longmessage>
-	    <TMPL_IF NAME="have_badge">
-		<img src="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_uri" ESCAPE="HTML">" alt="Valid <TMPL_VAR NAME="file_version" ESCAPE="HTML">"/>
-	    </TMPL_IF>
-	  </longmessage>
-	  <longmessage>
-      <TMPL_IF NAME="is_upload">
-          The uploaded document "<TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML">"
-      <TMPL_ELSE>
-        <TMPL_IF NAME="is_direct_input">
-          The uploaded document
-        <TMPL_ELSE>
-          The document located at
-          &lt;<a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML">"><TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></a>&gt;
-        </TMPL_IF>  
-      </TMPL_IF>
-	      <TMPL_IF NAME="is_tentative">
-		was checked and found to be &lt;em&gt;tentatively&lt;/em&gt; valid <TMPL_VAR NAME="file_version" ESCAPE="HTML">.
-		This means that with the use of some fallback or override mechanism, 
-		we successfully performed a formal validation using an SGML or XML 
-		Parser. In other words, the document would validate as 
-		<TMPL_VAR NAME="file_version" ESCAPE="HTML"> if you changed the markup
-		to match the changes we have performed automatically, but 
-		<strong>it will not be valid until you make these changes</strong>.
-		  was checked and found to be valid
-		  <TMPL_VAR NAME="file_version" ESCAPE="HTML">.  This means that the
-		  resource in question identified itself as
-		  &quot;<TMPL_VAR NAME="file_version" ESCAPE="HTML">&quot; and that we successfully
-		  performed a formal validation using an SGML or XML Parser (depending on
-		  the markup language used).
-		</TMPL_IF>
-	  </longmessage>
-	  <longmessage>
-		To show your readers that you have taken the care to create an
-		interoperable Web page, you may display this icon on any page
-		that validates. Here is the HTML you could use to add this icon
-		to your Web page:
-	    </longmessage>
-	    <longmessage>
-	    <TMPL_IF NAME="have_badge">
-	      <code>
-  &lt;a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="cfg_home_page" ESCAPE="HTML">check?uri=referer"&gt;
-    &lt;img src=&quot;<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_uri" ESCAPE="HTML">&quot;
-            <TMPL_IF NAME="badge_alt">alt=&quot;<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_alt" ESCAPE="HTML">&quot;</TMPL_IF> <TMPL_IF NAME="badge_h">height=&quot;<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_h">&quot;</TMPL_IF> <TMPL_IF NAME="badge_w">width=&quot;<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_w">&quot;</TMPL_IF><TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_tagc">&gt;
- &lt;/a&gt;
-  	        </code>
-	      </TMPL_IF>
-	      </longmessage>
-	      <longmessage>
-	      <TMPL_IF NAME="have_badge">
-		If you like, you can download a copy of this image (in
-		<a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_uri" ESCAPE="HTML">.png">PNG</a> or
-		<a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_uri" ESCAPE="HTML">.gif">GIF</a>
-		format) to keep in your local web directory, and change the HTML fragment
-		above to reference your local image rather than the one on this server.
-	    </TMPL_IF>
-	    <TMPL_UNLESS NAME="is_upload">		
-		If you would like to create a link to this page (i.e., this
-		validation result) to make it easier to revalidate this page in the
-		future or to allow others to validate your page, the URI is
-		<a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="file_thispage" ESCAPE="HTML">"><TMPL_VAR NAME="file_thispage" ESCAPE="HTML"></a>
-		(or you can just add the current page to your bookmarks or hotlist).		
-	    </TMPL_UNLESS>
-	  </longmessage>
-	</info>
-      </infolist>
-    </informations>
-  </TMPL_IF>
-  </result>
+      <informations>
+        <infocount>1</infocount>
+        <infolist>
+          <uri><TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></uri>
+          <info>
+            <message>This Page Is Valid <TMPL_VAR NAME="file_version" ESCAPE="HTML">!</message>
+            <longmessage>
+              <TMPL_IF NAME="is_upload">
+                The uploaded document "<TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML">"
+                <TMPL_ELSE>
+                  <TMPL_IF NAME="is_direct_input">
+                    The uploaded document
+                    <TMPL_ELSE>
+                      The document located at
+                      &lt;<a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML">"><TMPL_VAR NAME="file_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></a>&gt;
+                    </TMPL_IF>  
+                  </TMPL_IF>
+                  <TMPL_IF NAME="is_tentative">
+                    was <em>tentatively</em> checked as <TMPL_VAR NAME="file_version" ESCAPE="HTML">.
+                    This means that with the use of some fallback or override mechanism, 
+                    we successfully performed a formal validation using an SGML, HTML5 and/or XML
+                    Parser(s). In other words, the document would validate as 
+                    <TMPL_VAR NAME="file_version" ESCAPE="HTML"> if you changed the markup
+                    to match the changes we have performed automatically, but 
+                    <strong>it will not be valid until you make these changes</strong>.
+                    <TMPL_ELSE>
+                      was successfully checked as 
+                      <TMPL_IF NAME="xmlwf_only">well-formed</TMPL_IF>
+                      <TMPL_VAR NAME="file_version" ESCAPE="HTML">.  
+                      <TMPL_IF NAME="xmlwf_only">This means that we were not able to determine 
+                      the exact document type, but that the document passed the XML well-formedness
+                      syntax check. If you wish to wish to perform formal validation of the document,
+                      you can use the "Document Type:" option of the validator.
+                      <TMPL_ELSE>
+                        This means that the resource in question identified itself as
+                        "<TMPL_VAR NAME="file_version" ESCAPE="HTML">" and that we successfully
+                        performed a formal validation using an SGML, HTML5 and/or XML
+                        Parser(s) (depending on the markup language used).
+                      </TMPL_IF>
+                    </TMPL_IF>
+                  </longmessage>
+                  <TMPL_IF NAME="have_badge">
+                  <longmessage>
+                      To show your readers that you have taken the care to create an
+                      interoperable Web page, you may display this icon on any page
+                      that validates. Here is the HTML you could use to add this icon
+                      to your Web page:
+                  </longmessage>
+                  <longmessage>
+                    <img
+                        class="inline-badge" src="<TMPL_IF NAME="have_local_badge"><TMPL_VAR NAME="local_badge_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"><TMPL_ELSE><TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></TMPL_IF>"
+                    alt="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_alt" ESCAPE="HTML">"
+                    <TMPL_IF NAME="badge_h">height="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_h">"</TMPL_IF>
+                    <TMPL_IF NAME="badge_w">width="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_w">"</TMPL_IF>
+                    /> <pre class="badgeSnippet">
+                    &lt;p<TMPL_IF NAME="have_badge_rdfa"> about=""
+                    resource="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_rdfa">"
+                    rel="dc:conformsTo" xmlns:dc=""</TMPL_IF>&gt;
+                    &lt;a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="cfg_home_page" ESCAPE="HTML">check?uri=referer"&gt;&lt;img
+                    src="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_uri" ESCAPE="HTML">"
+                    <TMPL_IF NAME="badge_alt">alt="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_alt" ESCAPE="HTML">"</TMPL_IF> <TMPL_IF NAME="badge_h">height="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_h">"</TMPL_IF> <TMPL_IF NAME="badge_w">width="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_w">"</TMPL_IF><TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_tagc">&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
+                    &lt;/p&gt;
+                  </pre>
+                  </longmessage>
+                  <TMPL_IF NAME="have_alt_badge">
+                  <longmessage>
+                    <img
+                        class="inline-badge" src="<TMPL_IF NAME="have_local_badge"><TMPL_VAR NAME="local_alt_badge_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"><TMPL_ELSE><TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_alt_uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></TMPL_IF>"
+                    alt="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_alt" ESCAPE="HTML">"
+                    <TMPL_IF NAME="badge_h">height="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_h">"</TMPL_IF>
+                    <TMPL_IF NAME="badge_w">width="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_w">"</TMPL_IF>
+                    /> <pre class="badgeSnippet">
+                    &lt;p<TMPL_IF NAME="have_badge_rdfa"> about=""
+                    resource="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_rdfa">"
+                    rel="dc:conformsTo" xmlns:dc=""</TMPL_IF>&gt;
+                    &lt;a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="cfg_home_page" ESCAPE="HTML">check?uri=referer"&gt;&lt;img
+                    src="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_alt_uri" ESCAPE="HTML">"
+                    <TMPL_IF NAME="badge_alt">alt="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_alt" ESCAPE="HTML">"</TMPL_IF> <TMPL_IF NAME="badge_h">height="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_h">"</TMPL_IF> <TMPL_IF NAME="badge_w">width="<TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_w">"</TMPL_IF><TMPL_VAR NAME="badge_tagc">&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
+                    &lt;/p&gt;
+                  </pre>
+                </longmessage>
+                </TMPL_IF>
+                <longmessage>
+                A <a href="">full list</a> of icons, with links to alternate formats and colors, is available: 
+                If you like, you can download a copy of the icons
+                to keep in your local web directory, and change the HTML fragment
+                above to reference your local image rather than the one on this server.
+                </longmessage>
+              </TMPL_IF>
+              <TMPL_UNLESS NAME="is_upload">
+                <TMPL_UNLESS NAME="is_direct_input">
+                  <longmessage>
+                    If you would like to create a link to <em>this</em> page (i.e., this
+                    validation result) to make it easier to revalidate this page in the
+                    future or to allow others to validate your page, the URI is
+                    &lt;<a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="file_thispage" ESCAPE="HTML">"><TMPL_VAR NAME="file_thispage" ESCAPE="HTML"></a>&gt;
+                    (or you can just add the current page to your bookmarks or hotlist).
+                  </longmessage>
+                </TMPL_UNLESS>
+              </TMPL_UNLESS>
+              </info>
+            </infolist>
+          </informations>
+        </TMPL_IF>
+      </result>
+    </observationresponse>

Received on Monday, 7 September 2009 13:51:22 UTC