Re: validator/httpd/conf httpd.conf,1.34,1.35

On Tuesday 24 July 2007, Sierk Bornemann wrote:
> Am 24.07.2007 um 09:00 schrieb Olivier Thereaux via cvs-syncmail:
> > +   ExpiresByType text/javascript A2592000
> > +   ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A2592000
> If adding the outdated MIME type text/javascript and the proprietary
> MIME type application/x-javascript
> why not also adding the new recommended and to-be-preferred MIME
> types for JavaScript, application/javascript and that one for
> ECMAScript, application/ecmascript as stated in RFC 4329 "Scripting
> Media Types" on
> So add also:
> + ExpiresByType application/javascript A2592000
> + ExpiresByType application/ecmascript A2592000
> >  </IfModule>

Might not be a bad idea as there's nothing in the validator distribution that 
maps *.js to any particular MIME type (no js in the shipped mime.types file 
either - perhaps that should be removed, BTW, it looks somewhat outdated and 

But more importantly, shouldn't these ExpiresByType directives be set only 
within <Directory /usr/local/validator/htdocs/>?  Otherwise I suppose they'd 
affect the whole server/virtual host/similar.

Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2007 16:02:03 UTC