2002/css-validator/html Readme.java,1.2,1.3

Update of /sources/public/2002/css-validator/html
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv9389/html

Modified Files:
Log Message:
>From Jean-Guilhem Rouel (again!)
Reformatting of code
Fix for bug 774 [1] (even more warnings)
Fix for bug 768 [2]
Modification of the soap output format (each warning list and error list has 
the URI it refers to)

[1] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=774
[2] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=768

Index: Readme.java
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/css-validator/html/Readme.java,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- Readme.java	8 Apr 2002 21:22:41 -0000	1.2
+++ Readme.java	14 Sep 2005 15:14:17 -0000	1.3
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@
  * <H2>Introduction</H2>
- * This is the <code>html</code> Package Readme. This is 
+ * This is the <code>html</code> Package Readme. This is
  * not java code, this is only some docs to help you use this
  * package while using the standard javadoc presentation.<br><br>
- * The <code>html</code> package is a DTD driven HTML parser 
+ * The <code>html</code> package is a DTD driven HTML parser
  * designed to parse HTML files following specific DTDs and
  * construct corresponding abstract HTML trees that can be
  * used by applications. The parser can also be used directly
  * to avoid the tree construction if necessary.<BR><BR>
  * The HTML parser is composed of five different packages:
  * <DL>
@@ -35,23 +35,23 @@
  * Style Sheets level 1</A>. It will soon be replaced by the new CSS
  * parser done by <a href="mailto:Philippe.Le_Hegaret@sophia.inria.fr">
  * Philippe Le H&eacute;garet</a>. Actually not so soon because the
- * values cannot be easily extracted from Philippe's parser properties, 
- * so this old-buggy-incorrect css parser will stay there a little 
+ * values cannot be easily extracted from Philippe's parser properties,
+ * so this old-buggy-incorrect css parser will stay there a little
  * while..
  * <DT><code>html.parser</code>
  * <DD>This is the actual parser, based on the parser done
  * by <A HREF="mailto:avh@eng.sun.com">Arthur Van Hoff</A>
  * from Sun. It does nothing but the actual parsing of the file.
  * <DT><code>html.tags</code>
  * <DD>This is the HtmlParser. It is based on top of the parser
- * raw parser and introduces the building of an Html tree and 
- * the ParserListener technique. This makes the task of using 
+ * raw parser and introduces the building of an Html tree and
+ * the ParserListener technique. This makes the task of using
  * the Html parser much simpler. It has been written by
- * <a href="mailto:Jean-Michel.Leon@sophia.inria.fr">Jean-Michel 
- * Leon</A>, and has been modified by 
+ * <a href="mailto:Jean-Michel.Leon@sophia.inria.fr">Jean-Michel
+ * Leon</A>, and has been modified by
  * <a href="mailto:Vincent.Mallet@sophia.inria.fr"> Vincent Mallet</A>
  * so as to handle all the CSS data properly (using the CSS
  * parser, see above).
@@ -63,33 +63,33 @@
  * <DT><code>html.util</code>
  * <DD>Some utility classes.
  * </DL>
  * <H2>Using the HTML Parser</H2>
- * Using the HTML parser in your own code should not be 
+ * Using the HTML parser in your own code should not be
  * something too difficult. You have two ways of doing it:
  * using the listener technique (recommanded), and subclassing
- * the raw parser classes (much work in perspective). 
- * Subclassing the raw parser implies the abstract tree will 
+ * the raw parser classes (much work in perspective).
+ * Subclassing the raw parser implies the abstract tree will
  * not be constructed during parsing.
  * <P><U><I>Using the listeners</I></U>
  * <P>This is the easiest way of using the parser. The classes
- * to look at are <code>html.tags.HtmlParser</code>, 
+ * to look at are <code>html.tags.HtmlParser</code>,
  * <code>html.tags.HtmlParserListener</code> and
  * <code>html.tree.TreeListener</code>.
  * <UL>
  * <LI>First create an instance of the HtmlParser, specifying what
  * DTD to use and what file to parse. The DTDs should be located
  * in the html/parser/dtds directory.
- * <LI>Add one (or more) <code>HtmlParserListener</code> to the 
+ * <LI>Add one (or more) <code>HtmlParserListener</code> to the
  * parser. This <code>HtmlParserListener</code> will be notified
  * of the tree creation and of the end of parsing.
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
  * different moments@@CHECKME:
  * <UL>
  * <LI> After the tree has been built. This is the simplest way to
- * go. When the parser is finished, it invokes the method 
+ * go. When the parser is finished, it invokes the method
  * <code>notifyEnd()</code> of the <code>HtmlParserListener</code>
  * interface and the only parameter given is the root of the tree.
  * Just walk the tree the way you like.
@@ -110,16 +110,16 @@
  * </UL>
  * </UL>
- * <P>Example 1: here's some really simple code that shows how to 
- * start the parser in the current thread and parse the content of 
- * a web page. The HTML tree built is used at the end of parsing 
- * only. See next example to see how to use it while it's being 
+ * <P>Example 1: here's some really simple code that shows how to
+ * start the parser in the current thread and parse the content of
+ * a web page. The HTML tree built is used at the end of parsing
+ * only. See next example to see how to use it while it's being
  * constructed.
  * <P><BlockQuote><Pre>
  * public class Sample implements HtmlParserListener { <br>
- * 
+ *
  *  public Sample() {
  *    String     globaldtd = "html4";
  *    String     urlname   = "http://www.w3.org/";
@@ -129,32 +129,32 @@
  *      parser = new HtmlParser(globaldtd, urlname);
  *    }
  *    catch(ParserException e) {
- *      // The parser could not initialize... 
- *      // do whatever is appropriate 
+ *      // The parser could not initialize...
+ *      // do whatever is appropriate
  *      return;
  *    } <br>
- * 
+ *
  *    // add a parser listener - us
  *    parser.addParserListener(this);<br>
- *    // parse the url in the current thread 
+ *    // parse the url in the current thread
  *    parser.run();<br>
  *    // that's all!
  *  }<br>
- * 
+ *
  *  public static void main(String args[]) {
  *    new Sample();
  *  }<br><br>
- *  
- * 
+ *
+ *
  *  // implements HtmlParserListener<br>
- * 
- *  public void notifyCreateRoot(URL url, HtmlTag root) { 
- *    // invoked when the root of the Html tree is created. 
+ *
+ *  public void notifyCreateRoot(URL url, HtmlTag root) {
+ *    // invoked when the root of the Html tree is created.
  *  }<br>
- * 
- *  public void notifyEnd(HtmlTag root) { 
+ *
+ *  public void notifyEnd(HtmlTag root) {
  *    // invoked when the parser has finished the job.
  *    System.out.println("Wow - parsed the file!  root=" + root);
  *  }<br>
@@ -162,25 +162,25 @@
  *  public void notifyConnection(URLConnection cnx) { }
  *  public void notifyFatalError(HtmlTag root, Exception x, String s) { }
  *  public void notifyActivity(int a, long b) { }<br>
- * 
- * }  
+ *
+ * }
  * </Pre></BlockQuote>
  * <P>Example 2: [Another example here]
  * <P><I>Subclassing the parser</I>
  * <P>[Fill Me]
  * <P>[Example here]
  * <H2>Copyrights</H2>
  * <P>[Fill Me]
  * @see parser
  * @see HtmlParserListener
- * @see TreeListener 
+ * @see TreeListener
  * @see HtmlTree
- * 
+ *
  * @author Vincent Mallet (Vincent.Mallet@sophia.inria.fr)
  * @version $Revision$

Received on Wednesday, 14 September 2005 15:15:59 UTC