text-shadow bug?


I have in my CSS text-shadow properties with percentages for length such as:

text-shadow: 50% 50% 15% #c0c0c0;

The Validator suggests these are incorrect:

Value Error : text-shadow<http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/nulltext.html#propdef-text-shadow>
is not a color value : 50% 50% 15% #c0c0c0

I'm not sure if the percentages are throwing it off, or if the problem is
the color code coming at the end instead of the beginning.  The CSS3
Specification states that the color can come before or after the shadow

I hope this information is helpful.  I apologize if the error is on my side.


S. D. Salyer

Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2012 13:39:52 UTC