Re: Validator doesnīt repport error wrote:

> My customer called and said that the two bottom pics at a page
> didnīt show. She and her friends
> uses IE and I had only checked the page in Firefox... so I tried IE
> and right she was...

The pics are actually there - just very far on the right, so that you need 
to scroll a lot to see them.

> so I said, no problem I will validate it, itīs
> probably just a minor coding error...

That was somewhat overoptimistic. Validation covers only a small fraction of 
errors that we can make.

> so I went to and validated both the html and the css and
> couldnīt get any fault verified?

There is no reportable markup error and no formal error in CSS code either.

The problem is apparently caused by the width="800%" attribute in the table 
where the two pictures are. That's not a reportable markup error (actually, 
markup validators accept virtually anything in the value of a width 
attribute, since it is of type CDATA). You probably meant "100%" or "80%" or 
"800" (I can't guess). A value of 800% means 8 times the available width, 
and browsers treat this in different ways - Firefox seems to more or less 
ignore it, while IE is doing something that might be seen as more logical. 


Received on Sunday, 16 January 2011 21:39:31 UTC