No background-color / color set warning for a multiply-declared class

I'm forwarding a bug report we had on Unicorn's track related to the css 
validator, from an anonymous reporter:

I am noticing a problem with a warning concerning unset colours for 
multiple declarations of the same class. If I set a 'background-color' 
in the first declaration and a 'color' in the second, then it's pretty 
likely that I've already "[made] sure" that "the colors [keep] the text 
reasonably legible". I don't believe this is intentional, is it?

Here's a simplified example:

.class-a, .class-b, .class-c { color: #000 }
.class-a { background-color: #FFF }
.class-b { background-color: #CCC }
.class-c { background-color: #999 }
I get warnings for the second declarations but not the first, interestingly.


Received on Tuesday, 7 September 2010 17:37:14 UTC