selector attributes

The conflict detection algorithm has been revamped, you can test this on

Here is a small collection of tests relative to this issue:

1/ 'Exact Attribute' against the others.

* Exact
span[hello="Cleveland"][goodbye="Columbus"] { color: blue; } -> 0 warnings
span[hello="Cleveland"][hello="Columbus"] { color: blue; } -> 1 warning

* Begin (|=)
span[tst="foo-bar"][tst|="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 0 warnings
span[tst="foo"][tst|="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 0 warnings
span[tst="foobar"][tst|="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 1 warning 
span[tst="foo"][tst|="foobar"] { color: blue; } -> 1 warning

* Start (^=)
span[tst="foo"][tst^="foo"] { color: blue; }     -> 0
span[tst="foo-bar"][tst^="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst="foobar"][tst^="foo"] { color: blue; }  -> 0
span[tst="foobar"][tst^="fooc"] { color: blue; } -> 1

* Contains (*=)
span[tst="foo-bar"][tst*="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst="barfoobar"][tst*="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst="barfobar"][tst*="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 1
span[tst="barfoo"][tst*="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 0

* Ends ($=)
span[tst="barfoo"][tst$="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst="foo"][tst$="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst="foobar"][tst$="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 1

span[tst="foobar"][tst] { color: blue; } -> 0

* OneOf
span[tst="foo"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst="bar"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst="foo bar"][tst~="foo bar"] { color: blue; } -> 1
span[tst="hello"][tst~="foo bar"] { color: blue; } -> 1
span[tst="bar"][tst~="foo bar"] { color: blue; } -> 0

2/ Begin attributes (|=) against the other (but Exact; see above).

* Begin
span[tst|="foo-bar"][tst|="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst|="foo"][tst|="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst|="foo-bar"][tst|="foobar"] { color: blue; } -> 1
span[tst|="foobar"][tst|="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 1

* Start
span[tst|="foobar"][tst^="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst|="foo"][tst^="foo"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst|="foo"][tst^="foobar"] { color: blue; } -> 1
span[tst|="foo"][tst^="foo-bar"] { color: blue; } -> 0

* OneOf
span[tst|="foo"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst|="bar"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst|="bar"][tst~="foo bar-glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst|="bar"][tst~="foo barglop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 1
span[tst|="foo bar"][tst~="foo bar"] { color: blue; } -> 1
span[tst|="hello"][tst~="foo bar"] { color: blue; } -> 1
span[tst|="bar"][tst~="foo bar"] { color: blue; } -> 0

3/ Start With (^=) against the others (but Exact, Begin; see above)

* OneOf
span[tst^="foo"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst^="bar"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst^="bar"][tst~="foo bar-glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst^="bar"][tst~="foo barglop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst^="foo bar"][tst~="foo bar"] { color: blue; } -> 1
span[tst^="hello"][tst~="foo bar"] { color: blue; } -> 1
span[tst^="bar"][tst~="foo bar"] { color: blue; } -> 0

4/ OneOf (~=) against the other (but Exact, Begin, Start; see above)

* Contains (*=)
span[tst*="foo"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst*="p t"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 1
span[tst*="lo"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst*="le"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 1

* Ends ($=)
span[tst$="ar"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst$="foo"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst$="to"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst$="le"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 1
span[tst$="p toto"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 1

* OneOf (~=)
span[tst~="foo"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst~="glop"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst~="bar foo"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 0
span[tst~="boo far"][tst~="foo bar glop toto"] { color: blue; } -> 1

Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras.


Received on Wednesday, 14 May 2008 10:20:42 UTC