Re: I/O Error

On Thu, 12 Apr 2007, wrote:

> I keep getting the following error message when using your online CSS 
> validation software.
> Target:
> I/O Error: Stream closed.

If you search for "Stream" in the list archive, you'll find several 
messages mentioning the "I/O Error: Stream closed" error message.
The answers indicate that this is a perplexing error condition that might 
be caused by a couple of reasons.

In particular, it may relate to problems in communication between the CSS 
Validator and the server where the page resides. In such cases, you could 
submit the style sheet to validation either by using the "by File Upload" 
option by using the "by direct Input" option with copy & paste.

In your case, it may have been some intermittent error, since I have no 
difficulties in testing your page using the normal user interface, "by 
URI" (tested both in IE 7 and Firefox 2).

P.S. Please note that an element like <p>&nbsp;</p>, though valid, is not 
a recommended way of creating vertical spacing; it's better to use margin 
or padding properties for suitable elements.

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela,

Received on Friday, 13 April 2007 04:48:50 UTC