Re: Parse error

Hello Caron,

On 31 Mar 2006, at 01:48, Caron Baker wrote:

> Please can you confirm what a Parse error is - I keep getting this  
> when I validate CSS. I am using Valid HTML.

"Parse error" is the validator's way of saying "I can't even tell you  
if this is right or wrong, because I can't make any sense out of it"

A likely cause for this error is that you are trying to copy-paste  
HTML with embedded CSS into the "direct input" text area interface to  
the validator. A current limitation of the validator is to only  
accept CSS in this textarea. If you wish to validate HTML with CSS,  
you need to use either validation of online documents by URI, or file  

olivier Thereaux - W3C -
W3C Open Source Software:

Received on Friday, 31 March 2006 02:01:42 UTC