Re: Attribute order affects validation result

On Aug 21, 2006, at 18:27 , Christoph Schneegans wrote:

> olivier Thereaux wrote:
>> The CSS validator is using Xerces for XML parsing.
> You're completely missing my point. The CSS Validator only uses Xerces
> when it detects an XML namespace declaration. When no namespace
> declaration is present or the namespace declaration is preceded by too
> many characters, the CSS Validator does not use an XML parser.

I understand now, thank you for the explanation.

One of the things to remember is that the main job of the CSS  
validator is not to parse/validate XML perfectly (that should be the  
job of another validator, and I agree we have a problem here, but  
let's avoid this digression for now).
So, in order to understand the severity of this bug, it would be  
interesting to know whether this bug is affecting the parsing/ 
validation of CSS within XML-based documents. Is there any case you  
can think of?

In any case, this should be in the bugzilla, and I don't think there  
is anything in our database on xml/sgml parsing yet. Would you add  
your report/pointer to test cases there? Also, if you want to spend a  
couple hours hacking Java and look into it, I'd be happy to help you,  
or even provide you with a test environment. This applies to anyone  
wishing to hack on the css validator or any other of our tools, by  
the way.


Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2006 02:08:47 UTC