Re: error on

And it is of course because I had just pasted the link without taking a 
close look at it in a xhtml page that I got the error.
And it's great to see it was not an error as it was giving a strange 

What's fun is that I now see the remark "(close the img tag with /> if 
using XHTML)" which I haden't noticed before. I'll then shout myself 
RTFM and will go back to work ;-)

I know my original mail came from the little shock of seeing W3c code 
don't validate but as usual it was not a HI problem. Just a H problem.

Thanks for your time and your kind answer.

PS : I hope you did not try to put the domain name from this e-mail 
address in a browser. You can try however

David Dorward wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 05:24:02PM +0100, Hugues Lannoy wrote:
>>The correct code would be :
>>>alt="Valid CSS!" />
> ... and that would be incorrect in HTML. The CSS validator will
> provide you with an XHTML code sample if you provide it with an XHTML
> document to extract the style sheets from. Given HTML or the CSS
> directly, it will give an HTML code fragment. It is, IMO, a reasonable
> assumption that anybody using XHTML will be able to make the
> alteration for themselves.


Hugues LANNOY - N.R.B.

Tel: +32 4 249 7708 - Fax: +32 4 249 7893 - GSM: +32 477 92 23 47

2eme Avenue, 65  -  P.I. Hauts Sarts  -  B-4040 HERSTAL (BELGIQUE)

Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2005 07:30:32 UTC