css and opacity


the css validator said :

URI : http://edhelgarth.internet-humain.org/fken/test/edhelgarth/
      * Ligne: 61 Contexte : img.edhelgarthlogo  
        Erreur lors de l'analyse grammaticale. - opacity=45)
      * Ligne: 62 Contexte : img.edhelgarthlogo  
        La propriété moz-opacity n'existe pas. : 0.45
      * Ligne: 63 Contexte : img.edhelgarthlogo  
        La propriété khtml-opacity n'existe pas. : 0.45
and my css command line is :

img.edhelgarthlogo {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -490px;
z-index: 6;
khtml-opacity: 0.45;
opacity: 0.45;

nobody is able to help me nothing was found on internet by searching on
google and every website I saw said :

khtml-opacity: 0.45;

is ok. Whats the problem ?

Fleurentdidier Messaoudi Arnaud <sadangel@neuf.fr>

Received on Sunday, 3 April 2005 16:36:00 UTC