FYI: precompiled CVS snapshot


  At you can
download a Java 1.4.0 precompiled version of the current CSS Validator
CVS sources. The only changes I've made to the sources are documented at

You can use the CSS Validator from the command line like

  java -cp org.w3c.css.css.StyleSheetCom

This will give you an overview of the available options. If you like to
validate style sheets inside or linked from XHTML/XML/SVG/... documents
you need to install Xerces-J and specify the xercesimpl.jar in your
classpath environment variable or the -cp command line option.

For licence and copyright information please see which is also included
in the zip file mentioned above. Note that this is not any kind of
official release, it is not supported and use it at your own risk. It
works for me (except for some bugs), if it works you too - great; if it
doesn't - sorry. Feel free to share what you think about it.


Received on Friday, 27 June 2003 12:10:11 UTC