Re: Confusing validation result

On Thu, 2002-05-09 at 13:08, Per Angstrom wrote:
> Hello,
> I get a somewhat confusing result when validating a stylesheet:
> The stylesheet contains SGML comments and HTML tags, which I think is an 
> error, but the validator doesn't say anything about this, probably because 
> the page is served as text/html, although it is meant to be a stand-alone 
> shylesheet.
> The way I see it, it is a case of two errors masking each other. Is there 
> anything that can be done about it, so that both errors are flagged?

Well, the document is served as 'text/html' and contains HTML tags and
comments. The CSS Validator is using the HTML parser on it. I don't
think I can do something about it, otherwise I would have to parse it as
CSS and HTML and returns all errors?


Received on Saturday, 18 May 2002 20:56:34 UTC