[BUG] Re: The upload version not working well?

On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 07:46, Hugo Heden wrote:
> Here, I will refer to the web page on
> http://www.w3.org/TR/css-mobile/
> Consider the following CSS document:
> ____________________
> div.myClass {
> 	font-size : 80%;
> }
> p {
> 	text-decoration : line-through;
> }
> ____________________
> This is valid CSS 2, but not valid as mobile profile, since
> "line-through" is not allowed.
> *********************
> Problem 1: When I try the file upload validator and choose the "mobile"
> option, I get the "No error or warning found" message. This is, I believe,
> incorrect, according to the web page mentioned above.
> ********************
> Problem 2: When I use the URI validator or the text area validator, I get
> the following error message:
> ________________________
>     * Line: 1
>       	attributes can not be used with mobile profile
>     * Line: 5 Context : p
> 	Invalid number : text-decorationline-through is not a text-decoration
> 	value : line-through
> __________________________
> The first of these error messages is incorrect, since, according to the
> web page (look at the end of table 3) mentioned above, the attributes
> "class" and "id" are allowed in CSS mobile profile.

I note your message as "BUG to look into" which is not bery helpful for
you for the moment but it is at least a progress...


Received on Tuesday, 26 March 2002 09:13:10 UTC