CSS Validator not working


I sent some emails a few months back with regards to the CSS Validator not

As I mentioned, it has been several months since I last sent a message to
this effect, but it seems to be getting beyond a joke now.

We are expected to live up to the "W3C" recommendations with regards to the
Internet and technologies associated with such, and when trying to match up
to the WAI, the CSS checker serves no purpose and has not for something like
6 months plus, it is a nightmare.

Please get it working... how can people be expected to keep up with what is
going on, when the people who issue the "plans" and "draughts" for how
things are "supposed" to work, cannot get their own systems working.

Sorry if this sounds like I am a bit upset, but I am trying to make sites
that conform to everything they possibly can for the sakes of being able to
be read and viewed by as large an audience as possible, including the blind
and deaf-blind (I have recently done a major regional health authority
website, and am now working on a regional mental-health one)

As I am sure you can understand, the ability to check these sites is of
paramount importance to me.

I would appreciate some idea as to a time scale when this problem should be


"Target: http://www.w3.org
I/O Error: Unable to contact target server www.w3.org:80 after 3 tries."

Thats the error I get when trying to check your own website, if I remember
correctly, that is also the error I got back in January/February.

Rafe Harwood

Received on Monday, 17 September 2001 09:37:31 UTC