Re: Where are we?


ShowView is the European name for Gemstar's VCR Plus+ system.


Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:
> > >2) As a TV watcher, when I've identified a channel, the next level
> >of
> > >identification is commonly a timeslot, as is done by the ShowView
> > >bizarre-digit scheme here in Norway, for instance.
> > >I would regard content as being an orthogonal identifier, but
> >timeslot
> > >seems intrinsically channel-bound.
> >
> >Can you forward the syntax of the scheme you refer to?
> 1*9DIGIT, unfortunately.
> The ShowView system uses a proprietary algorithm to compress date, time and
> channel number into something that's compact enough to be printed in
> program listings, and that can be punched with reasonable reliability on a
> videorecorder's remote control.
> They earn royalties from both the VCR recorder people and the people who
> use their stuff in program listings, and have NOT made the algorithm public.
> Unfortunately.
>                        Harald
> --
> Harald Tveit Alvestrand, Maxware, Norway

Received on Monday, 11 October 1999 07:56:32 UTC