RE: Where are we?

At 09:31 08.10.99 -0700, Dan Zigmond wrote:
>The goal here is to define a URI scheme for streams of television broadcast
>content (i.e., networks or stations or channels) rather than for individual
>pieces of content (programs).  So there would be a "tv:" URI for PBS
>(""), and for local member stations of PBS like WQED
>(""), but not for individual pieces of programming that happen to
>air on PBS.  I see the latter as a different problem.  Important, yes, but

1) I like the proposed scheme of using the DNS namespace.
2) As a TV watcher, when I've identified a channel, the next level of 
identification is commonly a timeslot, as is done by the ShowView 
bizarre-digit scheme here in Norway, for instance.
I would regard content as being an orthogonal identifier, but timeslot 
seems intrinsically channel-bound.

Not that it's simple - see the CALSCH calendar specifications for just how 
complex "every thursday at 9 AM, here in Trondheim" can be to specify 
exactly - but it's a logical extension to a channel/program stream 
identification scheme. (did we ever get down to writing up a glossary for 
this stuff??)

Making sure it's possible to extend the scheme in that direction may be the 
only thing we should do now.

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, Maxware, Norway

Received on Saturday, 9 October 1999 18:11:00 UTC