Re: draft-zigmond-tv-url-02 discussion on

At 15:30 23.08.99 -0700, Michael A. Dolan wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>Mr. Alvestrand-
>I'm not sure what posting IETF process discussion to the www-tv list
>and bcc'ing others is all about,

It seems likely that www-tv is going to be the place of choice to discuss 
the TV URL draft to exhaustion. The message I replied to seemed relevant, 
and was CCed there, so I thought it polite to reply to that list.

>  but all I can say is that we
>disagree on the IETF review process for Informational URI RFC's.

Yes, we disagree.

Some of the policies we disagree upon (the URI ones) were set by me.
Discussing what those procedures *are* therefore seems a bit strange to me.
I'm fine with discussing what those procedures *should be*, but think that 
discussion belongs to the URLREG WG.

                   Harald Tveit Alvestrand

          IETF Area Director for Applications, 1995-1998
          IETF Area Director for Operations & Management, 1998-1999
          Internet Architecture Board member, 1999-

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, Maxware, Norway

Received on Monday, 23 August 1999 18:49:04 UTC