Re: Resolving btv URLs

Also, the URIs would not be entirely opaque. For example, a URI referring to
a data item in a data carousel being broadcast as part of a data event could
consist of a leading portion identifying the data event, followed by a path
which defines how to navigate the Data Service Table and the Carousel
directory to get to the data item. Moreover, for program events which are
developed by a broadcaster for its own channel, such as local evening news,
the event URI may often consist of the channel URI followed by terms. In
this case the database may only need to contain the channel URI, and the
receiver can tune to the channel to pick up the "DNS" records to resolve a
reference to the specific event.

Craig A. Finseth wrote:

>         ...
>    My guess is that it would look something like:
>      1) The content developer, e.g. Disney, must define a set of
>         btv: URLs for the TV networks and/or shows which it wishes
>         to access.
> Correct.  They're the ones that know what resources they want to access.
>      2) It must specify the TV network and/or show associated with each
>         btv: URL.
> or other information, correct.
>      3) It must provide the resulting database to the network
>         operators (cable, DSS, ISP, etc.).
> Yes, this information will be carried as part of the data content.
>      4) The network operator must convert the database into a
>         proprietary format which its STB clients can understand
>         (e.g. ATSC channels and times).
> Yes, except for the "proprietary" part (unless it's a propriatary
> broadcast format).  The format for conveying the information to the
> broadcaster should be a standard.  We are working on an ATSC table
> definition to carry the mappings (and this same table should pretty
> much work on DVB, too).
>    Is this correct?  Has there been any discussion as to how these
>    mappings are maintained, communicated and translated?
> Huge amounts, mainly within ATSC.
> Craig

Gomer Thomas
40 Washington Road
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
phone: 609-716-3513
fax: 609-716-3503

Received on Wednesday, 12 May 1999 17:11:53 UTC