Re: Spam mail (Was Uncensored Web Site Hosting)


Henrik Frystyk Nielsen wrote:
> Unfortunately it is very hard to filter out automatically. We can block new
> postings to the list from parties sending spam mail but this will not
> remove the "first time spammer". 

I know a possibility, it is successful used by the mgetty mailing-list.

It's something liek that:
if you post the first time to a group, you get an answer back, that you
have posted the first time and that you please repost your posting (only
if it's the first time).

Spamers mostly won't post it a second time.

How it is done in details, I don't know, perhaps someone here can imagine.
Or  you can ask gert (, he is the owner of the
mgetty-list (the list itself is coordinated by someone in .edu, but I
forgot the name - gert knows, I'm sure!)

I hope this helps a little bit
-- 	  Simone Demmel		Muenchen (Germany)
Fax.: 089/354 59 80
"... Usenet, als das Usenet noch Usenet war, und kein nicht-klickbares
Anhaengsel des WWW ..."					(Gert Doering)

Received on Wednesday, 7 May 1997 10:27:57 UTC