Re: Moving on...

At 08:22 PM 5/8/96 +0200, Ingo Macherius wrote:
>sgmls is obsolete, nsgmls frees you from stupid low-level things. Believe
>me. It's also ported to many platforms, so that's no drawback. I suggest
>not to use tcl/tk but Perl, because of the existing Code (Think of 
>SGMLSpm and some Earl Hood stuff). Perl is also ported to lots of 
>platforms, tcl/tk would bind one closer to Unix.

I would suggest Java, TCL on Java or Perl on Java. After all, if our stuff
can work within the next generation of browsers "for free", why not do so?

 Paul Prescod

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 1996 21:13:54 UTC