Filtering proxy (status 202 ?)

  I a m currently trying to build a web proxy that filters out viruses
(and maybe other things). Such a proxy needs to download the entire
data, scan these data, and then send the reply to the browser.  The
problem is that browsers are quite impatients and when a download takes
too long, they generally close the connections, "thinking" that the
server might be down.

I am trying to find a way that would let the proxy inform the browser
that the request is being processed and discovered the "202 accepted"
response status. It seems to be what I need, and I would like to know if
someone here has some documents or some examples about this status

Bertrand Croq - FreesKop - Avenue Robert Schuman - 35170 BRUZ - Tel: 02 99 05 04 56 - Fax: 02 99 05 96 40

Received on Monday, 18 October 2004 15:44:36 UTC